History of TTUtility and TIdxUtl Components 8/19/95 Corrected problem in GetErrorName that would not allow the correct assignment of a non-default Error file name. (reported Kevin T.) 8/21/95 Fixed problem when assinging file names and a directory name included a period. 10/7/95 - BIG CHANGE>> Changed to emplicit loading of TUtility DLL functions. This has the very positive effect of not using sustem resources until the form that contailn the TU component is actually created. So.. if you need to conserve resources you should manualy create your Tutility form at runtime. This required no change to implementation or interface of the component itself. 10/95 - Fixed 2 minor bugs in the component as they were reported. These bugs had to do with the way the supporting files (backup and keyviolation) were being named. 10/13/95 - Eliminated the TUtility.DCU unit and combined everyting into the one TU.DCU. 11/16/95 - Complete misc. edits, fixed typos etc. 3/14/96 - Fixed problem of not recognizing supporting tables like the error table in the case where the application was executed from the root directory. 4/16/96 - There was a problem with the way TTUTIlity TIDX related with the DB session that allowed a program to exceed the total number of passwords when repairing a number of tables or indexing a number of tables. This has been fixed. 6/28/96 - Fixed problems relating to the use of the TTUTILITY.DLL that ships with Paradox 7.0 for Windows 3.1. The TTUTILITY component will now work with both the onld and the new DLLs by taking advantage of the version information in the version resource area of the DLL. 6/30/96 - Completed the new Batch demo that works off of database aliases. 7/96 - 11/96 (For version 3.0) * Fixed various errors in new Batch 2 demo. * Fixed situation where garbage would appear on the pack line of the rebuild dialog. * Fixed x of x incorrect index counts in the verify dialog. *** Combined the source code for the 16 and 32 bit versions of the components. The 32 bit version is no longer installed using TU_INT32.PAS. It how uses TU_INT.PAS the same as the 16 bit version. Note that this change was made to simplify source code management and reduce the number of files in the component inventory. * Fixed problem where if a version of TUTIL32.DLL and BDE 3.12 or later was installed the 32 bit application using the tutility component would GPF when the application was shut down. Note that this problem also occurs in the normal Paradox 7 for Win95 and NT. The problem has to do with explicit loading and unloading of the newer TUTIL32.DLLs. * Added support for version checking the Tutility DLLs and BDE. This includes right clicking the component and design time and viewing the first menu option and also to new runtime\readonly properties, VersionTU and VersionBDE. These version features were added to assist the component implementor in debuging version problems. *** Added a new TUtility dialog box component that should make implementation of table repair functionality as easy as drag and drop (well almost).